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Teaching a language requires its own unique approach. Although there are many ideas and viewpoints, we have identified three key ideas which assist in the successful learning and teaching of Afrikaans first additional language.


Instead of referring to many books for one subject, the Metamorfose series keeps all the material in one book.

Having a single book also eliminates confusion and lightens the load of a heavy school bag.

This also keeps costs down and can serve as a reference book the following year.


We found that explaining rules and structures in a language familiar to the learner helped considerably in understanding and retaining information.

Learners do not have ample opportunity to learn Afrikaans outside of the classroom, hence assuming that they will ‘naturally’ grasp complicated language rules is far-fetched.

Because the language rules are explained in English, it is also helpful for parents wanting to assist their children.


There are many ways to learn a new language, but our experience has shown that a structured approach works best.

Grammar is taught in each phase of the Metamorfose workbooks, gradually building on each element.

This approach strengthens an understanding of the language rules and grammar, reinforcing the learning process.

This has proven to be a successful method of teaching Afrikaans First Additional Language.

Find out more about the METAMORFOSE series


Children in a classroom for education in Afrikaans, raising their hands to answer a question.

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